Through Lidar cameras with artificial intelligence it is possible to count the number of people in a space and measure aspects such as rush hour or real-time stay times.

Casfid capacity control

The Casfid Group has developed a capacity control system that allows, through Lidar cameras with artificial intelligence or lasers, count the number of people in any type of space. The system, developed by the Valencian company, is a step forward in human counting by not being intrusive to the user.

This technology, that works based on strict light beam detection and does not store biometric information, adapts to any type of enclosure: shopping malls, Supermarkets, Shops, Bars, Restaurants, buildings or beaches among others, ensuring the safety and compliance of capacity measures in the fight against COVID-19 thanks to a screen where you can visualize the capacity in real time.

Among the uses of this technology, beyond the fundamental that is capacity control, highlights the generation of real-time information about access, Outputs, average stay times or rush hour. This information allows space managers to have greater decision-making capacity and to be able to manage it more effectively.

Javier Juanes, CEO of the Casfid Group points out: "For us, it has always been a priority to ensure the safety of people with technologies that facilitate capacity control. That's why, we wanted to go one step further by developing new smart counting systems, that were affordable for retailers, and able to measure non-intrusively the influx of people in certain spaces, providing value with useful information for space managers".

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By • 18 Jan, 2021
• Section: Access control, Detection