This new space has technical furniture customized by the manufacturer and audiovisual systems for the development of its daily activity.

Gesab firefighters valencia city council

The Fire Department of the Valencia City Council has recently opened its new management centre, located in what used to be an old garage, where it has more space for the development of its daily fire prevention and control activity, intervention in emergencies and civil protection of the city.

Following the call for a public tender for the construction of the architectural project to design the distribution of the space, the award company contacted the specialist Gesab for the production and tuning of technical furniture and audiovisual systems.

The distribution of space for different rooms, the control room and the meeting room, it was already done by the construction company, so Gesab custom-made his control consoles, according to the space and curvature needed to facilitate the development of activity in this critical environment.

Gesab firefighters valencia city council

The company proposed a curved ergonomic design of its Advantis NG control console, customized and made of phenolic, a high-quality, ultra-resistant material.

This model offers optimal wiring organization, intelligent professional connectivity for continuous, vibration-free work environments. Operators' stalls are complemented by ergonomic chairs to work with 24/7.

In front of the control console, where the four operators are located, a video wall has been installed, in configuration of 4×2, with signature Unisee LCD screens ship for continuous visualization of alerts.

The crisis room has been set up with a meeting table with space for eight people, equipped with advanced technology, Datawall presentation display monitor and video conferencing system.

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By • 22 Dec, 2020
• Section: Case studies, Urban security, Services