The independent alter technology laboratory has confirmed this reliability of detecting and reading its iDS-TCM series, placing it as one of the most effective on the market for this application.


Hikvision, provider of IoT solutions and big data services focused on the security industry, has presented the positive results obtained in the trials carried out by Alter Technology on their LPR cameras (reading license plates), achieving total reliability of the 95,3%.

Specifically,, it's about the iDS-TCM series equipment, who have obtained ratios in terms of the level of detection of the 98,1%, with a reliability of detecting the 97,2%.

These types of cameras, based on deep learning technology (Deep learning), allows the detection and recognition of free-flowing vehicles at high speeds, making it easy to monitor and manage traffic in a simple and complete way, including license plate recognition, Goods, vehicle speed and classification, among other features.

blankThis is an increasingly demanded technology, especially in projects linked to the concept of Smart City, where the goal is to mitigate the problems associated with urban centres with high levels of vehicle concentration, difficulty in access, congestion and improving relevant safety and mobility issues.

Although this certification is not mandatory, Hikvision's high quality standards are committed to this type of test to provide greater safety to customers.

This is pointed out by Pablo Campos, technical director of Hikvision Iberia: "this certification is part of a quality process in which manufacturers certify, with independent essays, that we meet the requirements and specifications of our products. The goal is to assure end customers that the products meet the reliability expected of them."

The newly released certification confirms that Hikvision's LPR cameras reach a level of reliability above 95%, both daytime and nighttime scenarios, which places this license plate reader as one of the most reliable equipment on the market in this field.

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By • 27 Nov, 2020
• Section: MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Studies, Urban security, Video surveillance