The solution, implemented in the terminals with the highest air traffic and number of passengers, accurately and quickly measures body temperature, detecting people with mild fever symptoms.

Indra and Aena at airports

Aena has entrusted to Indra the implementation of the passenger temperature control system using thermal imaging cameras. These are already in operation at thirteen of its airports, including those that congregate greater air traffic and number of passengers.

Aena collaborates with Sanidad Exterior in these tasks of surveillance and sanitary control providing the necessary technological means for the installation and use of these cameras.

The cameras awarded to Indra have been implemented at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas airports, Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat, Palma de Mallorca, Malaga-Costa del Sol, Alicante-Elche, Ibiza, Gran Canaria, Tenerife South, Valence, César Manrique-Lanzarote, Seville, Fuerteventura and Menorca.

The system is integrated by fixed cameras, installed in the passenger arrival area, and mobile booster cameras, with which random controls can be carried out at any point of the terminals.

The technology indra uses is distinguished by its precision and sensitivity. Thermographic sensors of the cameras have a reference point for this purpose (black body) with a fixed temperature that ensures its accuracy.

It is also a smart solution, that autonomously detects the traveler, no need for it to stop or be at a certain distance. It is able to recognize the person's face and distinguish the areas covered by the mask, cap or other garments to choose the point at which you can make the measurement correctly. All this without the need for human intervention.

The solution provides greater security to travelers without slowing down their flow, reducing crowds at controls and minimising risks to airport staff.
The ability to detect people with fever at an airport or any other means of transport is key to preventing infections.

This technology for temperature control, identification and alert of disease symptoms, is part of Indra's Mova Protect line of solutions and is integrated into all its systems for the management and control of the mobility of people and passengers in the different modes of transport.

Back to normal with Indra

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced airports around the world to reduce their activity to a minimum. The process of returning to normality that they face requires the use of innovative technologies such as those that Indra is offering., among which stand out: Passenger Flow solutions and pphysical security information management format.

Passenger Flow solutions to control the flow of passengers at any point in the terminal. The use of technologies such as Big Data or Artificial Intelligence help to efficiently manage interior spaces and associated resources, in particular, those areas where agglomerations can occur: check-in counters, security controls, information points or boarding gates.

They also allow predicting and anticipating passenger demand and their behaviors, facilitating better management of operations, especially at a time like the present, in which enrollment or time interval assignment processes are being implemented (slots) for arrival.

These solutions are part of Indra Mova Solutions, that offers a range of end-to-end solutions to facilitate digitalization in the management of any transport infrastructure and guarantee maximum protection and mobility of passengers. They also increase infrastructure capacity, your safety, sustainability and efficiency.

The physical security information management platform (iSIM) is a tool that offers a vision of what happens at the airport at all times and that facilitates the integral control of all video surveillance systems, access control, Pa, intrusion detection, as well as passenger temperature taking systems with thermal imaging cameras.

This solution helps the airport manager to quickly and flexibly implement standardized procedures to manage security.

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By • 27 Jul, 2020
• Section: Case studies, Detection