At the control center of this Indian city (IC4) two videowalls have been installed, configured with screens of 70 Inch. One of the 119 square meters, in 9 format×3, and another of 35 m2 of 4×2.

Delta Display in Kochi Smart City

Delta Display has installed a large videowall in control center (IC4) of Kochi Smart City, in India. A solution that is implemented in the cloud and that has become the brain of the city's operability, as well as incident and disaster management. It will also provide insights by processing complex data at an aggregate level to derive intelligence and improve planning and policymaking..

Kochi is among the first 20 cities selected under the Smart Cities mission of the Government of India. The Smart Cities Mission (SCM) aims to rejuvenate the urban ecosystem through Area-Based Development strategies (Area Based Development – ABD). The objective of the SCM is “promote cities that provide basic infrastructure and an optimal quality of life to their citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and the application of Smart Solutions”.

Delta equipped the IC4 with two video walls, one of 119 square meters integrated with 27 screens of 70 inches each in 9 configuration×3, and another of 35 square meters composed of 8 screens of 70 inches each in 4 configuration×2.

A large video wall installed in the center helps to respond to situations, both proactive and reactive, that will really make the city's operations 'Smart'.

Delta's video walls, with window-based control system, are the monitoring and surveillance center of the city. You can access the CCTV cameras installed in public places throughout the city from the videowall. Emergency services as police, fire stations, rescue services and Led street lamps have been integrated into the IC4.

Delta Displays support team was able to install and complete the setup within the stipulated timeframe. IC4 will be of immediate assistance to affected areas in case of floods or disease outbreaks, like the recent pandemic.

This has become one of the best smart city command centers in India in terms of scale., infrastructure, technology and functional aspects. Led videowall helps monitor operational parameters, Anomalies, alerts/events.

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By • 10 Jul, 2020
• Section: Case studies, Data Center, Systems control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Urban security