The town hall of this tourist town on Tarragona's Costa Dorada has awarded this specialist the project to monitor and ensure that health recommendations for physical influx and distance in public spaces are met.

The security system for the control of capacity of the beaches of this Tarraconian town, awarded to Supply by the Salou Town Hall, went into testing at the end of last June, consists of the installation of twenty-two sensors based on intelligent video surveillance cameras of Bosch, who count in real time the people who are in the arena.

These systems have been deployed on eight beaches and coves in Salou to monitor capacity and ensure that WHO recommendations on social distance for COVID-19 prevention are met, as well as the orders of the Ministry of Health regarding the reopening of the beaches and the transit and stay in them.

blankThe control system will feed a new channel of information on the state of occupation of the beaches, inviting responsibility for use to prevent and prevent crowds, in addition to facilitating the organization and management to ensure health security and the protection of users/bathers.

To do this, the system is based on advanced technology, non-intrusive to intimacy, because camera sensors do not record or transmit actual image, but analyze it to get a count of people located in a specific area.

These bosch manufacturer's cameras incorporate artificial intelligence and, through motion analysis, shapes and other parameters allow you to identify how many people are in a delimited area within your area of view (a radius of some 150 Meters).

blankIn salou's case, the longest beaches, like those of Levante and Westeros (Llevant and Ponent), will be divided into virtual zones to control occupation by sector and thus make estimates of the capacity.

Built-in Deep Learning technology allows these sensors to be 'trained' and increasingly accurate in differentiation whether or not they are a person. After the first few days of use, false positives will be avoided by shadows or similar forms to a person, more easily identifying people who are not on the move or who have been placed behind some element or object, such as an umbrella.

Metadata obtained in real time from all IoT sensors installed by Abast is transmitted to the consistory information systems, where they will be integrated into a GIS solution so that they can be consulted by users through the web, no need to download app, to be displayed through a three-color map (green, orange and red) indicating the capacity threshold.

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By • 6 Jul, 2020
• Section: Case studies, Access control, HIGHLIGHTED CASE STUDY, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Detection, Urban security, Services, Video surveillance