Anyvision develops software solutions based on video analytics, biometric treatment of images. These are present in a multitude of scenarios and business verticals, from small retailers to large facilities.

Berdin distributes AnyVision

Berdin Group has reached an agreement with AnyVision to market its biometric artificial intelligence solutions in Spain through its sixteen outlets, trained both commercially and in service and technical support.

Berdin distributes AnyVisionFounded in 2014, Anyvision develops software solutions based on video analytics, biometric treatment of images. Some of the advantages of their products are that they are cross-platform (PC or server, mobile and cloud devices), can work with cameras from any manufacturer, have a high degree of reliability, are fast and accurate, both on immediate alert and forensic analysis, and comply with European data protection regulations and directives.

Anyvision is present in a multitude of scenarios and business verticals, from small retailers to large facilities in industrial environments, Hotel, Hospital, shopping malls, universities and schools, security forces, large sports venues, Etc.

For Berdin Group it is an alliance that will allow you to face any challenge that comes with the market and offer the best services to its customers, strengthening its position on the distribution of value-added security solutions.

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By • 22 Jun, 2020
• Section: Systems control, Detection, Business