Its tools are ideal to help in this process in which Spain is currently located and, to do that, has solutions for flow control and people counting, social est est estgnation, temperature detection and mask control.

Dahua access and temperature control

After more than two months of confinement, Spain begins to take its first steps in the de-scalding. It has begun to return to normal but with certain limitations and protocols.

Dahua capacity controlThe capacity is one of the limitations that marks in the different phases, always keeping the safety distance, in addition to taking prevention measures such as temperature control, mandatory use of mask in some settings, extreme hygiene, Etc.

Dahua has developed a number of solutions that help throughout this process with tools for flow control and people counting, social est est estgnation, temperature monitoring and mask control.

The first addresses the problems that large shopping malls have, supermarkets and shops to control the influx of staff to the property.

Dahua capacity controlIts tool allows you to view in real time in capacity of the interior of the stores, sounding an alarm in case of exceeding the number of people allowed in the establishment.

Dahua's access control solution includes body temperature monitoring, with accuracy of ±0.5 oC, allowing measurement at a distance of up to 1,8 Meters, contactless. In addition, allows to record the presence of the employee by facial recognition with or without mask, to avoid any unnecessary contact. Also, it is possible to set alarms or access restrictions in case of not wearing a mask or exceeding a temperature outside the set.

Dahua temperature controlThe body temperature monitoring solution consists of a kit consisting of a Blackbody and a thermal camera.

The first is a certified instrument that provides a constant and accurate temperature reference that the camera uses to self-calibrate and increase measurement accuracy.

Hybrid camera with temperature measurement simultaneously provides a normal image and a thermal image of the scene taken. An artificial intelligence algorithm recognizes human figures and allows to measure the temperature of the face, excluding any other heat source that may constitute a false alarm, at a distance of three meters.

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By • 26 May, 2020
• Section: Alarms, Access control, Detection