Tempos Analytics, brand marketed by ProdexTec, proposes a video analytics solution to be applied in these establishments in order to help comply with the recommended distance regulations between customers and workers in the checkout area.

Tempos Analytics solution for Covid19 in supermarkets

The health crisis, caused by Covid-19, has quarantined citizens to try to stop its spread. In compliance with the state of alarm decreed by the Ministry of Health, Companies have been applying, as far as possible, Solutions to make teleworking easier for your employees. But there are sectors where this is not feasible.. One of them is that of food, of vital importance for the supply of the population.

From small establishments (Bakeries, greengrocers, Butchers, Etc.) to large stores such as supermarkets and hypermarkets, have implemented safety measures to protect both their workers and their customers.

These have included the use of masks, Gloves, Disinfectant gels, Separation panels between worker and customer in the checkout areas, Etc. Although these measures have been well received and are regularly complied with in most cases, It is necessary to increase the level of security and protection.

Tempos Analytics solution for Covid19 in supermarkets

To do this, the brand Tempos Analytics, specialized in video analysis for perimeter security and marketed by ProdexTec in Spain and Portugal, proposes a solution to apply video analytics in these establishments in order to help comply with the safety distance regulations recommended by the health authorities.

Its video analytics software combines simplicity of configuration with powerful algorithms aimed at reducing false alarms and intelligent detection. In addition, Compatible with visual cameras, Thermal and Dual, as well as with the main VMS on the market.

This intelligent video analytics system, Create infinite zones with any shape or size. Its versatility means that it can be installed in any type of perimeter and for almost any purpose.

Tempos Analytics solution for Covid19 in supermarkets

In this case, The application proposed by Tempos Analytics through video analytics is focused on confirming that safety distances between customers and workers are maintained in the checkout area.

In addition, has time schedules, with which during the day the system can be configured for this specific purpose, and at night, when establishments remain closed, may be configured to fulfill other functions, such as a support system for the main security system.

System Features:

  • Small areas to avoid activating the system with the passage of any person through the checkout area.
  • Naming of critical areas: This feature allows you to maintain the distance between customers.
  • Zone dependency for the system to activate when the person goes from a non-critical area to a critical one.
  • I/O Module: You can make the system response, before an alarm event, Consist of turning on a light sign or speaker to remind customers to maintain safe distances.

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By • 27 Apr, 2020
• Section: Access control, Systems control, Detection, Video surveillance