This Ramco solution helps companies protect staff and prevent coronavirus infection. Incorporates a thermal imaging device for temperature measurement and an IoT sensor.

Ramco RamcoGeek

The Innovation Laboratory Ramco Singapore has announced a time and assistance system based on facial recognition, RamcoGeek. It is an access control solution that incorporates IoT sensor and temperature recording.

Ramco RamcoGeekThis system incorporates a thermal imaging device for temperature measurement and associated software. This allows organizations to detect staff or visitors with high temperatures that may indicate infection, while eliminating access control through biometric scanners based on date detection.

RamcoGeek detects the faces of staff members and marks their attendance, while recording the temperature. Where face-based assistance is a privacy concern, companies can replace it with Voice to record access.

Ramco RamcoGeekThe system is connected to a door powered by an IoT sensor that can restrict access if the temperature is higher than normal. The information is communicated to the Human Resources department and management in real time.

"We have a large global pandemic that has affected many. The spread of the disease has refocused attention on the hygiene and health of employees. We created this app to help better address a crisis through technology. Containment through a robust system of assistance and access with zero contact and temperature measurement can be key to preventing the spread of the virus that may occur with the biometric access system", comments Virender Aggarwal, CEO of Ramco Systems.

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By • 21 Apr, 2020
• Section: Access control, Detection