The solution is equipped with Fonestar technology and includes the ZS-2000M public address and alarm plant, ZS-1500 power stage, ZS-4328IO input/output system, mixed SM-1621U and ZS-200M and ZS-200P microphones.

Fonestar in Asturiana de Zinc

Zinc Asturian is part of Glencore, multinational dedicated to the exploitation of natural resources and one of the leading companies in the production of this material worldwide.

As in all installations of this type, a good security system against possible unforeseen events is essential, and it is in this field where they opted for evacuation systems with certificate EN-54 of Fonestar.

At its Hinojedo plant (Cantabria) this solution has been installed which is integrated by the central public address and voice alarm ZS-2000M, ZS-1500 power stage, the ZS-4328IO in/out system, the SM-1621U USB/SD/MP3 mixer and the ZS-200M and ZS-200P emergency center microphones.

Fonestar ZS-2000M

An evacuation system is crucial to send alarm messages and avoid a panic situation. This ensures faster than sirens or alarm bells.

Numerous studies and experiments have shown that people react immediately and correctly to an alarm if sufficient information is provided about the seriousness of the emergency. Especially for those in an unfamiliar environment, clear and precise instructions for the actions to be carried out can be decisive.

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By • 30 Sea, 2020
• Section: Alarms, Case studies, Evacuation