The contest, of the few that have managed to celebrate before the expansion of covid-19, revalidates its role as an engine of the integral security sector and the ability to convene, with the participation of 706 exhibitors and a total of 2.016 Companies.

The edition 2020 of Sicur, which took place on the 25 To 28 of last February in Ifema – Madrid Fair, has had the visit of 42.838 professionals who have attended this comprehensive security event to know the proposal of the 2.016 participating companies present in the spaces of 706 Exhibitors, according to the data provided by the organization.

During its four days, Sicur 2020 "registered a great commercial dynamism and was placed in the professional epicenter of the latest developments, equipment and solutions" for risk prevention and the protection of property and people in all areas: Security-Defense, Cybersecurity, Occupational Safety and Fire and Emergency Safety.

blankThe event concentrated the interest of professionals in the security sector throughout Spain, with an influx of 54,6% of visitors who came from outside Madrid, mainly from Catalonia, Andalusia and Valencia.

In the same way, the international response has been very positive, with visitors from 81 countries that have represented the 8,3% of total influx, especially from Europe, with Portugal, United Kingdom and Germany as references, along with Latin America and North African countries.

blankThe efforts of constant updating and adaptation to the new trends and needs of the sector were also reflected in SICUR 2020, with various additions in this edition that have been well received by the participating professionals and visitors.

In this line, the program of presentations Foro SICUR held more than fifty sessions and the attendance of 2.700 professionals around a scenario of analysis and debate of the current sector, with the participation of experts in all areas of security. As in past editions, the event had the active participation of the security and emergency bodies and the main associations of this industry.

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By • 16 Sea, 2020
• Section: Events, Business