Available in 3 And 8 Megapixel, to which new resolutions will be added shortly, incorporate wide intelligent dynamic range that improves video quality and reduces setup time.


The bullet Pro Gen3 cameras of the range Tyco Illustra Pro by Johnson Controls, with resolutions of 3 MP and 8 MP and standard or telephoto lens, are especially suitable for application in medium and large installations, as shops, Salons, Etc.

One of its advantages is its wide intelligent dynamic range that improves the quality of video streams with different lighting (indoors and outdoors), while reducing setup time, as it is possible to automatically adjust the contrast and overall balance of the scene with the click of a button, for a ceiling or wall mount.

This is what Ric Wilton points out, responsible for product management of the Illustra range: "The smart technology we've integrated into our latest generation of Illustra Pro cameras automates image adjustment and ensures that what you see is always dynamically optimized., even in changing scenes and lighting conditions, reducing operator configuration and administration costs".


In addition to the wide intelligent dynamic range, these cameras incorporate Illustra IntelliZip, that effectively manages bandwidth, in addition to offering redundancy in case of network failures and video analytics, with real-time event alarms that the user can configure to prevent incidents and improve decision-making.

This new generation of Illustra Pro cameras also has greater protection against cyberattacks, with the so-called 'secure boot', that asks the operator to change the password at the time of installation and that is part of the Cyber Protection Program of the company's security products.


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By • 4 Sea, 2020
• Section: Deep down, Video surveillance