Available at 2 And 5 Mp, offers a compact-sized solution designed for use in difficult environmental conditions and in projects with a reduced budget.

Avigilon H5M

The latest addition to the video surveillance portfolio Motorola Solutions it's the camera Avigilon H5M. A line that provides a cost-effective solution for projects with limited budgets that require small equipment for outdoor use.

Avigilon H5Mavailable 2 And 5 Mp, the H5M camera can handle difficult environmental conditions while offering motion detection (Unusual Motion Detection – Umd) and artificial intelligence technology (The).

The camera is compact in size and integrates with other open platform systems. In addition, helps save time thanks to its artificial intelligence technology that signals unusual events to users. It's cost-effective and easy to install, addresses a wide variety of security needs and helps projects stay on time and on budget.

“This camera is suitable for serving a wide variety of markets where we are always working to provide intelligent end-to-end solutions”, comments John Kedzierski, senior vice president of video surveillance solutions at Motorola Solutions.

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By • 20 Feb, 2020
• Section: Video surveillance