Three of the eight hotels operated by this chain in Colombia have PTZ network security devices and the manufacturer's QND series.


With eight hotels located in six important and touristic Colombian cities -Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Pereira, Barranquilla and Cartagena-, this hotel chain offers its customers exclusive and differential services to achieve the greatest satisfaction during their stay: from the reception available twenty-four hours, Restaurants, business center open all day, outdoor pool, fitness room and spa, Etc.

This diversity of areas that converge in the same building and with a constant transit of people, from guests, employees up to guests of official events and logistics staff, requires complete and detailed monitoring to give the maximum guarantee of security.

Its managers have completely changed their security system in three of its eight hotels, since they have made the transition from analog to IP technology with systems of the manufacturer Hanwha Techwin.

blankThe deployment of the SSM software platform, that improves the efficiency of Wisenet network products, enables local and remote monitoring of images with a function for facial recognition. The client-server architecture allows a stable management of the video surveillance system through the configuration of multiple sites and clients.

That way, access to live/recorded videos is very easy from remote sites. In addition, its deployment is easier and cheaper than a CCTV, since it uses the same wiring as internet access and data communication, without the need to deploy the coaxial cabling infrastructure that is traditionally used for the video surveillance network.

blankFor this project, four PTZ cameras have been installed and 39 QND Series with Automatic Tracking, whose images are monitored in from a control center to visualize the perimeter security of the hotel.

The success of this project has since been replicated to other establishments in the chain., like the hotel in Barranquilla, in which twenty-five QND cameras have been installed, and followed by Pereira to incorporate this same solution to the problems of its headquarters, with the installation of about thirty cameras.

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By • 12 Feb, 2020
• Section: Case studies, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Video surveillance