This tool allows IP speakers to be paired with cameras, access control systems and alarm devices.

Hikvision convergence video and audio

Hikvision has presented a video and audio convergence solution, incorporating an innovative real-time intruder deterrent feature. This tool allows IP speakers to be paired with cameras, access control systems and alarm devices.

When the CCTV system automatically detects an intrusion or if the alarm system is activated, IP speakers can play back audio warnings programmed to scare off potential intruders. The audio message acts as a deterrent to possible intrusion actions as they occur. Losses and damages can be avoided, and the images of the event are recorded for research and evidence.

Kos operators can also speak through IP speakers to issue live warnings when they are notified of an intrusion. Efficient security operations and digital transformation support alarm video that can appear automatically.

Scheduled audio messages and public information transmission are two other features that facilitate this Hikvision audio and video convergence solution. IP speakers can play audio recordings according to a schedule, and operators can also use the audio system to transmit public information as needed.

Hikvision Video & Audio Convergence can be used in a wide range of scenarios and applications, including perimeter security, gas stations, subway and rail, office buildings, among others.

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By • 22 Jan, 2020
• Section: Alarms, Detection, Intrusion