This Optex sensor, distributed by ProdexTec in the Iberian market, creates four adjustable detection zones and has equal number of connected outputs for PTZ camera control.


The insurance company of a large bank branch sought to strengthen the security of its vault and safe deposit boxes, located in the same room and protected by wall vibration detection technology, requiring a system with a higher level of protection and reliability.

Another element that was required to choose this system is that it be easily integrated with the existing infrastructure in the branch office, in addition to mini-reducing disruptions to bank operations, that because of the environment, occurred more times than desired.

Optex RedscanREDThe final choice to respond to these premises has been the RedScan RLS-3060 laser scanning detectors Optex, distributed in Spain and Portugal by ProdexTec.

These detectors were installed to create four laser curtains, adjustable and invisible, around the safe deposit boxes and the vault to cover them, which also connected to cctv and the existing intrusion alarm infrastructure at the branch office.

Added to this was the rapid installation of the devices, that did not disrupt the daily activity of the bank branch at any time.

The Redscan RLS-3060 anti-intrusion detector is a novel laser scanning detector that can detect the size, the speed and distance of moving objects and processes information with a unique algorithm. Its reliability for detecting people is very high, the result of which is a minimum of false alarms.

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By • 15 Jan, 2020
• Section: Case studies, Detection, Services, Video surveillance