New SaaS mode release makes it easy to manage biometric identities, organizations of any size, securely on both physical and digital channels.

Unisys Stealth identity SaaS

Unisys announced the availability of its Stealth tool (identity) in Software-as-a-Service version (Saas), that complements the company's biometric identity management software, to take advantage of agility, the ease of deployment and cost effectiveness proposed by the Microsoft Azure cloud.

Unisys Stealth identity SaaSWith this software-as-a-service version, Unisys helps in identifying citizens and in border protection programs. Strengthens defense against identity fraud, establishing trusted identities of each individual, both physical and digital channels.

In addition, allows you to control biometric management processes (facial recognition or user behavior, among others) adapts to future advances flexibly and consistently with the aim of anticipating criminals. On the other hand, as it is a cloud-based technology, facilitates a faster return on investment.

Unisys Stealth identity SaaSStealth(identity), combined with another of Unisys' security solutions, Sealth(Core), protects devices or users and isolates them if necessary (Dynamic Isolation) from the first sign of commitment.

This makes them essential elements in achieving comprehensive and dynamic protection of information assets.

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By • 19 Nov, 2019
• Section: Access control, Detection