For this manufacturer, the electronic security of this sector is moving towards artificial intelligence, combining image with data analytics and deep learning. A solution that allows retail to improve its sales process.

Dahua retail video surveillance

The retail sector is focusing its efforts on automating and digitizing the purchasing process, where physical and virtual space can be mixed to get the best service and experience for buyers. As Dahua, in this process, electronic security or video surveillance in the industry is heading towards artificial intelligence, combining image with data analytics and deep learning, that allow retail to improve its sales process.

Video surveillance cameras not only offer securitye to denies but have taken a leading role in image and data analytics. This is why Dahua believes that retail owners will consider certain considerations when adopting or modernizing a video surveillance system:

– Video and POS information should be displayed simultaneously, both in real time and in playback mode.

– The system must allow text search to find invoices and their associated video recordings.

– Having a Fisheye camera that provides heat map functionality, showing hot and cold areas, according to customer flow. This will improve business analysis, at the same time, that provides an image of 360 degrees from the store's sales area.

For Dahua, such systems will provide retail or retail, benefits such as safety and loss prevention; prevention or detection of internal and external theft; ATM fraud; as well as a safe and secure purchase process for the customer.

Also, offers business intelligence for reducing OPEX (operating expense, operating expenses, or operational expenses), increases store efficiency and improves profits by understanding and leveraging the direct relationship between in-store people's traffic data and transaction data.

Dahua retail video surveillance

Comprehensive in-store solution

Unlike e-commerce, the traditional retail sector faces many challenges in accurately calculating the flow of visitors to create an efficient adjustment of business operations, according to flow analysis and conversion rates.

In the entrance area for example, Dahua provides counting cameras to visualize how many leave and enter a store, what times and days the highest public traffic is recorded. This traffic analysis can significantly improve business efficiency.

Dahua retail video surveillance

Their 3D cameras are able to distinguish people from objects and backgrounds, children's objects, and people who shop in groups, among others. One of the advantages of this system is that it optimizes staff productivity, identifying flow cycles throughout the day, month or year; allowing staff and the customer-staff relationship to be aligned with peak hours by interfering with workforce management with flow data. It is also possible to create a customer demographic (Age, Gender, Expression, Etc.) with facial profile detection and generating reports.

Ultra Smart Series cameras support up to 140dB Wide Dinamic Range (Wdr) for crisp image quality, even in high contrast or backlit environments. With them, you can control store tickets at all times.

Dahua retail video surveillance

In the store area, Dahua provides different solutions and, when combined with a Fisheye camera, the shelf areas along with the entire store are completely covered. In addition, an advanced analysis can provide a heat map of visitor flow distribution. Increased surveillance coverage greatly reduces theft, providing a safe shopping environment.

Already at the cash counter, your POS system,with the POS version 2.0, that integrates audio and video, allows you to search for point-of-sale information, with great analytics capabilities to deliver a daily Business Intelligence report (Bi). All integrated with Dahua integrated management solution management software, DSS Pro, CCTV compatible, access control, Artificial Intelligence, video intercoms and license plate reading, among others.

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By • 6 Nov, 2019
• Section: Video surveillance