The company will support for another five years the access control and ticketing systems of the lines 1 And 2 of metro of the Egyptian capital, that he implanted in 2013 and for whose maintenance it was already responsible.

Indra by metro Cairo

The Egypcian Company for Metro Management & Operation (ECM), Cairo Metro Operator, has renewed its alliance with Indra, after the contract for the maintenance of the ticketing systems of the lines enters into force 1 And 2 of the underground of the Egyptian capital for five years, awarded to the company for an amount exceeding 7 millions of euros.

ECM has already awarded Indra the implementation of these access control and ticketing systems, that became operational in 2013 and for whose maintenance and support it has been responsible until now, with a local team that serves the customer's needs.

Thanks to the contactless ticketing solution implemented by Indra, that centralizes and integrates all operations and sales modules, cairo metro has a control system, access to information and flexibility that adapts to the needs and usage habits of users, which has an impact on an increase in the quality of service and a lower cost of operation and maintenance of the systems.

The same, the Cairo metro has the greatest control of its income and, thanks to process automation, human failure is avoided and any possible fraud is reduced.

The ticketing control center created by Indra facilitates the integrated management of the two lines and is ready, In addition, for line integration 3, that you are currently completing, and the possible incorporation of new lines in the future.

Indra is one of the world's leading ticketing companies, with own product and projects for the metros of Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Thessaloniki, Santiago de Chile, Calcutta, Mumbai, St Louis Light Rail, Buenos Aires trains, the suburban railway of Mexico City or the Sètif tram in Algeria, among many others.

The company's ticketing technology is part of Mova Collet, applying the latest technologies to facilitate transport revenue management, with the highest reliability and flexibility for customers and travelers.

It ranges from intelligent ticketing and toll systems to a unified multimodal backoffice system.

With a mobility approach 4.0., Indra offers comprehensive transport services, multimodal and barrier-free for the citizen, mobile or bank card payment or new validation schemes, as Pay as You Go, Account Based or Be in Be Out.

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By • 25 Oct, 2019
• Section: Case studies, Access control