The Regensburg-based manufacturer has developed these cameras to deliver maximum profitability. The technological innovations introduced and the small number of cameras required for an installation help save implementation and operation costs.

Dallmeier Panomera W

Dallmeier has launched the series of cameras Panomera W that in its versions of 180 (W4) And 360 (W8) degrees allows optimal control of the facilities, both indoors and outdoors, with minimal staff and economic spending.

The images of the individual sensors are joined by software that gives the operator a complete overview widely rectified. Cameras even represent in high resolution the area just below the housing.

Dallmeier Panomera WAnother feature of Panomera systems is that, in principle, any number of operators can zoom in on a scene at the same time, always preserving the overview image both live and in the recording. In this way, it is guaranteed that no important information or evidence will be lost.

If different systems are used at the same time, objects can be followed through various camera systems with ease; or the same scene can be examined from different perspectives.

The Regensburg-based manufacturer says its top priority during the development of the Panomera W series has been the profitability of the global solution. That's why, introduced technological innovations and the small number of cameras needed help save costs in all aspects of implementation and operation.

In turn, offer advantages for all involved and at all stages of the project: from the installer to the person making the business decisions.

Dallmeier Panomera WSecurity managers have extremely easy handling of security systems, thanks to the video management software available and the low number of screens needed.

Situation assessments are carried out quickly and safely. Perspective changes with a few clicks and object tracking across multiple cameras make the system flexible and powerful.

Even a large number of cameras can be managed as a single system allowing efficient control of large spatial contexts. It is possible to capture a very large global context per operator. So, staff costs for operation result in, with the new cameras, low relative to the covered surface.

Moreover, Panomera W series Mountera integrated mounting concept offers many innovations for faster and less expensive camera installation: from the disposable handle for extraction and transport, going through an integrated 'bubble protector' that remains in the system until the final installation, up to the Quick Lock system for assembly by a single technician.

In addition, only a single Allen key size is required to complete the entire installation. Panomera W series camera models are plug-and-play with full pre-calibration and preset of all sensors.

Since fewer cameras are also needed, costs on poles are also reduced, Installation, cables and their laying or mounting points.

Dallmeier offers a solution for low-bandwidth environments: the 'connection box', optionally available, can be equipped with up to 4 Memory TB, making it unnecessary in certain scenarios to lay down new cables and network components.

Quick Lock mounting allows the exchange of the same camera systems between different locations, For example, whether different pockets of crime should be observed alternately in an urban surveillance environment.

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By • 7 Oct, 2019
• Section: MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Video surveillance