Professionals who use this online service to do so will have a free access pass to this contest, that will take place in the 25 To 28 February 2020.


The 22nd edition of the biennial contest Sicur, to be held from the 25 To 28 February 2020 in the pavilions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 And 10 of Ifema – Feria de Madrid, has already available the online service for the pre-registration of visitors through its website in this link, by which those interested can obtain their free access pass and receive timely information about the different activities, contents and services of the call.

The pass to the fair for professionals who have not previously registered will have a price of 20 Euros. The SICUR website is completed with an offer of services and information on travel and accommodation that will facilitate the visit to Madrid for all those who have to travel from different parts of Spain and other countries.

Dahua sicur 2018In addition, the organization of this event makes available to all those interested in the different security segments represented extensive information through the official pages of SICUR in the main social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin), to facilitate communication and interaction between supply and demand, request information, see photos of the most interesting news, Etc.

One of the objectives of this great professional meeting with the world of integral security is to continue promoting its internationalization and commercial efficiency, as well as strengthening its role as a benchmark for this sector. Its organizing committee is working on this, whose presidency assumes in the edition 2020 Antonio Perez Turró, president of the Spanish Association of Security Companies (Aes).

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By • 24 Sep, 2019
• Section: Events, Business