Equipped with a microwave barrier, two infrared and two doppler sensors, this solution is controlled by a microprocessor that puts different technologies to work in synergy.

Cias PythagorasPythagoras Smart Triple Technology Barrier, distributed by ProdexTec in Spain and Portugal, has been designed by Cias Elettronica with multiple technology: a microwave barrier, two infrared barriers and two doppler sensors.

It is controlled by a microprocessor that puts the different technologies to work in synergy and that follow the rules of Fuzzy Logic (fuzzy logic), that analyzes the received signal and compares it to typical behavior patterns, establishing whether it is an intrusion or a false alarm. This software also allows 8 configurations for different scenarios depending on the environment and needs.

The technologies used make it possible for the barrier to adapt to the size of the perimeter to protect, avoiding alterations caused by fences or vegetation. In addition, meets the limits that different technologies may have separately, such as weather conditions for infrared and the limited space available for microwaves.

Cias PythagorasThis makes it particularly suitable for difficult installations such as long straight corridors or high-risk locations such as prisons or nuclear facilities.

It also has a system to prevent it from climbing the barrier. This raises an alarm if the intruder tries to get through the building by standing on the upper deck. To avoid false alarms generated by snow or birds, uses the flexibility of a plastic lid.

Installation is simple and remote maintenance is made possible by CIAS software: Wave-Test2. It is available for ranges up to 160 Meters.

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By • 3 Sep, 2019
• Section: Detection