Edmonton Transit Service now has an integrated solution to ensure both the safety of its customers and the operation of the service at all its stations, based on Eizo DuraVision FDF2304W-IP monitors and Genetec Security Center.

With eighteen train stations and bus routes, Edmonton Transit Service (STD) offers public transportation service in the Canadian city of Edmonton (Alberta – Canada), whose average is one 100.000 daily trips.

One of its busiest stations is the one that communicates with the University of Alberta, with many different levels (platform, mezzanine, vestibule, Stairs,...) through which hundreds of students and teachers pass every day, where the visualization of all zones and security are fundamental elements for a correct service and protection of users.

One of the problems was to visualize the area of the stairs, where there are potentially people at night and it raises concerns about people who are going to catch the train in case something happens or someone is waiting to commit a crime.


Being an old and complex station, one of the challenges was its analog camera technology to install advanced visual systems., so it was necessary to make the transition to an IP network, replacing a large amount of coaxial cable with advanced connections.

To do this, Alan Baird, etS communications manager and engineer, and his team studied the Convergint Technologies, global system integrator who has been working with this transport operator for a long time, that recommended for this technological transformation the DuraVision FDF2304W-IP monitors of the manufacturer Eizo and its integration with the video management system (Vms) Genetec Security Center.

blankThese monitors have been installed in the most vulnerable areas in terms of visualization of this station and others, connected via IP with the fences of 1.100 cameras that ETS has deployed. "Thanks to these systems, users are more aware of the situation on those stairs and other areas. Before entering, they see the monitor and can decide if they want to go that way. I think people usually feel safer just by having that presence and knowing that they're monitored at all times.", explains Baird.

Eizo monitors are connected directly to the network and can be managed remotely by ETS staff with Genetec, "And thus we avoid the problems of the analog-IP transition and improve the configuration," adds this manager.. In addition, do not require a Windows or other computer that we have to maintain and protect. Everything is integrated into the monitor and that further reduces the vulnerability of the system from a cybersecurity perspective.".

The transport service has gained in efficiency and safety, since "the fact that Eizo monitors are integrated into Genetec without problems with the plugin has been key. By being able to easily drag and drop to make changes and view monitor status when logging in through the web interface, this remote management capability makes things much easier, since we don't need so much equipment in all stations and from a maintenance point of view", baird says.

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By • 12 Jul, 2019
• Section: Case studies, HIGHLIGHTED CASE STUDY, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Urban security, Services, Video surveillance