This town of Almería has been incorporated into the so-called Smart Municipalities Club thanks to the project developed by Next Comunicaciones with the technology of Cambium Networks and Microtik.


The Almese municipality of Serón, known for its Nasrid fortress and hams, is part of the select spanish smart peoples club (smart towns) thanks to the deployment of a wireless IP communications network that allows your City hall have a network of traffic surveillance and control cameras, streaming public address services and offering free WiFi to your more than 2.000 Neighbors.

The project, developed by Next Communications, is configured with twelve locations, equipped with antennae Cambium Networks, that give the whole town streaming public address 24/7/365 and that unify the network with a guaranteed level of service 90% contracted bandwidth.

blankThis network uses radio equipment at 5Ghz frequency (Free) of Microtik with the standard protocol 802.11 N, that supports rates of up to 400 Mbps, as well as all kinds of protocols and services to ensure video streaming traffic.

For its part, the system Hotspot installed provides Internet access over a wireless network in public and private places, which consists of several access points distributed by the village that connect wirelessly to the trunk of the municipal network, offering WiFi connectivity to citizens and passers-by in public spaces.

The access portal is customized for Serón City Council, so that it provides information of interest to users, in addition to giving them access to municipal services. Network deployment includes surveillance cameras so that all telecommunications infrastructure equipment is secure and cannot be tampered with.

"Next Communications' commitment to wireless technology," explains Antonio Alcaraz Prado, director of this company- provides the possibility for small municipalities to offer their citizens technological services, at the height of big cities, thanks to the use of urban furniture and avoiding large costs of civil works"

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By • 3 Jul, 2019
• Section: Case studies, Communications, Networks, Urban security, Services, Video surveillance