This reliable infrared detector, in all environmental and lighting conditions, has a range of up to a hundred meters and is equipped with PIR technology.

Redwall SIP-100The firm's Redwall SIP-100 infrared detector Optex offers wide-angle detection for large outdoor areas, reaches up to a hundred meters of range and offers three exits (nearby area, distant area and detection of the area 0).

These multiple outputs are very useful for activating video streaming systems and controlling PTZ cameras. In addition, the SIP-100 also offers the option to add IP.

It has an intelligent detection system that uses data from the environment, like temperature and luminosity, to adjust sensitivity automatically. It also has another PIR detector, with independent exit, at the bottom that covers ground zero. This system makes the most critical aspect of a sensor, its performance when it comes to detection, be completely reliable.

Redwall SIP-100

To make it difficult to unwanted manipulation of the device and not to suffer vandalism, has anti-rotation and anti-masking functions. The maximum height for installation is four meters and its use is indicated for both commercial establishments, government buildings and industrial zones.

Optex SIP-100 Redwall infrared detectors, are marketed in Spain and Portugal through ProdexTec, brand of the Spanish perimeter security company Bunker Electronic Security.

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By • 2 Jul, 2019
• Section: Detection