As an official distributor, iberia will market the solutions of this brand, who started his activities in 1973 manufacturing firefighting equipment. Today it also focuses on the own production of detectors and power plants.


By Demes Group has become the official distributor for Spain and Portugal of the brand of fire detection and alarm systems Cofem.

This company began its activities in 1973 with the development and manufacture of firefighting equipment in Spain and, In 1982, I create the Electronic Detection division, with the own production of detectors and plants adapted to the needs of the market.


Today, Cofem has become a national manufacturer with its own technology. In addition, participates as a member of the Spanish association Tecnifuego-Aespi and in the CTN23 (Technical Standards Committee) by Aenor (Spanish Association of NORmalization). It also represents the latter at CEN/TC72, European body that develops EC mandatory standards under the Construction Products Directive (89/106/Eec).

All this experience and knowledge applies to your product range, formada por sistemas algorítmicos direccionables y convencionales de detección y alarma, CO and NO2 detection, domestic gas detection, gas and water extinction, voice evacuation systems (EN54) y megafonía.

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By • 13 Jun, 2019
• Section: Alarms, Detection, Business