The project, which has an investment that exceeds one million euros, It includes improvements in vehicle access control to the historic center in order to improve security in this Asturian city.

City of Aviles

The Avilés City Council has awarded Kapsch TrafficCom managing the city's traffic control system for the next four years. To develop this project, the company proposes to implement EcoTrafiX as a technical evolution, A tool that helps in the integral management of mobility and maintenance processes through asset management.

Although this platform would be focused on the current systems of the city of Avilés, It will be the basis on which it will be possible to grow, in functionality, Integrated Systems and Services, Expanding the scope of global management.

The award of the project includes improvements that will mean efficiency in mobility and road safety. The improvements signed in the contract, whose investment exceeds one million euros, They include several actions on the road access control system to the historic center that will involve the placement of an environment camera, another dome and an exit door for the access control system that will improve security in the area in which it is located.

With these measures the traffic department of the Local Police will be able to guarantee greater vigilance in the most problematic areas in terms of road safety in the city.

The contract also includes traffic light network maintenance services., of the traffic management system in pedestrian areas, of the traffic management system by means of closed circuit TV and traffic control in the municipality.

EcoTrafiX helps cities be smart

Madrid, Malaga, Bilbao, Vitoria, Castellón (Spain), Donostia, Corunna, Valladolid, Palencia or Huelva are cities where Kapsch's EcoTrafiX system is already being implemented, A tool designed to capture, Add, Archive and monitor various data sources, helping the Municipal Technical Directorate to obtain an aggregated view of them for real-time management and subsequent analysis.

EcoTrafiX, among other features, Integrates the data collected at the stations with different point measurements such as traffic intensities, Instant speeds, Addressable capacity and characterization of the park.

In this way, City councils can analyze and identify the causes of congestion and provide effective solutions for its mitigation. In addition, The system unifies the data obtained from a statistical sample of sensorized vehicles, Getting real-time traffic information, as well as that from other municipal services, such as municipally owned car parks, Parking on public roads, those referring to complaints, public transport and any other that may be relevant.

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By • 29 Apr, 2019
• Section: Access control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Urban security