Bosch's solution includes a system made up of 390 Cameras, 4.000 Detectors, 1.100 Speakers, 520 Sensors and Intelligent Video Analysis software.

Bosch at Ikea Portugal

In the mall Sea Shopping from the Algarve in Portugal stay more 220 Shops, a leisure area of 8.000 square meters and 3.500 parking spaces. Here you will also find an Ikea establishment where the furniture and products of the Swedish manufacturer are exhibited.

Such a large center requires an efficient security system, of a fully integrated solution.

Bosch at Ikea PortugalThe large size of the project posed a major challenge for security technology. Thousands of visitors and employees frequent the mall every day and everyone wants to shop and work in a safe environment. In case of emergency, the necessary measures must be implemented quickly and accurately. In addition, the system had to operate as simply and efficiently as possible. Specifically, this means that the labor required to operate the system has to be manageable and the number of elements in the control room has to be simple to operate.

To respond to all these challenges, the experts of Bosch Security have implemented a concept that takes into account safety factors and costs: inside your system, all relevant safety information and building management functions are combined on one central platform.

Bosch at Ikea PortugalThe solution includes a fire and intrusion alert system that has more than 4.000 detectors and 520 Sensors, both for the intrusion alert and to control access to Ikea Mar. In addition, it has a great advantage and that is that staff do not have to be trained in many different systems, but in one. It has also been designed so that a single operator can keep track of the entire system.

The 390 System cameras are equipped with Bosch Intelligent Video Analysis software. The built-in function processes images in real time and recognizes suspicious activity using an algorithm. In potentially emergency situations, can provide all the necessary information to enable staff to put in place appropriate measures.

Bosch at Ikea Portugal

If necessary evacuate the building, a signal is sent, through the Bosch public address system, it gives precise instructions to people who are in the mall through the approximately 1.100 ceiling speakers.

“We have managed to connect thousands of individual components within a fully integrated network", comments Luis Gomes, commercial director of Bosch Building Technologies Iberia.
In these last two years, Bosch has been implementing a complete term security system that, in addition to offering a modern technological protection system, saves resources and costs.

Bosch at Ikea Portugal

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By • 28 Sea, 2019
• Section: Alarms, Case studies, Access control, Systems control, HIGHLIGHTED CASE STUDY, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Detection, Infrastructure, Intrusion, Video surveillance