This Spanish company has the CheckVox solution, a vocal biometric motor that allows user identification, ensuring their safety in the face of any attempted impersonation or fraud.

Briometric Vox

Biometric Vox develops biometrics solutions that ensure the security of access to platforms, as well as signing documents remotely with legal guarantees.

The advantages of voice biometrics are its reliability and low cost. In addition, it's a unique, non-transferable footprint, improves the image of the company and the user is familiar with the use of voice in virtual or vocal assistants.

This Spanish company has two services: FirVox, biometric signature platform that can be used across Europe with legal validity as an Advanced Electronic Signature, with extraordinary legal robustness; and CheckVox, a vocal biometric motor that accurately allows user identification, ensuring their safety in the face of any attempted impersonation or fraud.

CheckVox expanded the range of vocal biometrics utilities by streamlining the registration process, in less than 10 seconds a user can set up their profile and start identifying with their voice.

This system is already being used to prevent fraud in credit institutions, as it makes it impossible to usurp identity. Also, in many organizations to carry out presence and time control of workers.

Voice recognition

Speech recognition is an artificial intelligence-based system that allows you to identify what is said and who says it. The identification process, analyzes the speaker's biometric parameters and has a high level of reliability.

Technology has the ability to measure the features of the phoning apparatus and create a profile of each user with virtually absolute certainty from more than one hundred physical parameters of their voice. Its accuracy lies in the recording of personal characteristics such as the nasal buco cavity, Cranial, vocal frequency, Etc., these traits are analyzed in detail and generate a unique footprint that allows each speaker to be recognized unequivocally.

"Voice is a unique and different personal feature for each of us, thanks to biometrics we can get our word transformed into an element of maximum security and non-transferable", says Carlos Gavilán, Biometric Vox Business Developer.

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By • 21 Feb, 2019
• Section: Access control, Detection