Especially advantageous in video security applications, this solution provides the same performance as a local kvm connection, for secure remote access and control.

AdderLink ipeps macroservice

As part of its range of remote access ipeds, Adder Technology, whose products it distributes in Spain Macroservice, has introduced the AdderLink ipeps+ solution, that improves remote access functionality in video security applications around the world.

In industrial facilities, silicon production plants and even offshore (off-shore), among others, where computers are located in restricted or hard-to-reach areas, safe and efficient remote control is paramount, as any delay can have negative consequences.

To respond to this demand, Adder and Macroservice provide the ipeps+ solution, que proporciona vídeo de movimiento suave con hasta 30 fps and a color depth of 24 Bit, all operating over IP. This versatile alternative allows professionals to watch and edit HD video from anywhere, as if they were connected locally to the computer.

The ipeps+ remote access solution is particularly suitable in environments where security is an essential factor. Combination of public-private network separation and AES encryption helps minimize the risk of external security breaches, while user access profiles and integration with microsoft active directory safeguard internal security.

For Martin Norman, senior product manager at Adder Technology, "when it comes to remote access, we see that more and more customers are opting for hardware instead of software, as it is discreet, provides security and allows access at the Bios level, so that the user can see and control everything as if they were connected locally".

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By • 30 Jan, 2019
• Section: Communications, Systems control, Networks, Computer security, Services