The 'Caceres Smart Heritage' project is already underway and, in its first phase, sensorization cameras are being installed inside 18 buildings through which most tourists who visit the city usually pass.

Caceres smart heritage

The first phase of the 'Cáceres smart heritage' project is already underway. It is an initiative implemented by the company Inda Sistemas, that is part of the project and seeks the modernization and management of tourism in the city. For this, sensorization cameras will be equipped to different locations in the historic center.

The buildings in which these sensorization mechanisms will be located, whose installation will be completed by the end of the month, are the Co-Cathedral of Santa Maria, the interpretation center of the Holy Week of Cáceres, the Bujaco Tower and the municipal museum.

Caceres smart heritage

The first phase of the 'Cáceres smart heritage' project includes the establishment of automatic mechanisms, that will allow to know in real time the state of conservation of the heritage, as well as the energy consumption and the degree of humidity of each building and all those values that facilitate acting immediately before any modification of the same.

Also, the first cameras have already been installed that will allow to know the number of tourists who visit Cáceres. The School of Fine Arts, the town hall, the Don Fernando Hotel, the church of San Francisco Javier and casa Moraga already have these sensors that, located outside will allow to facilitate, among other data, the number of visitors coming to the city.

The Cáceres City Council expects that by the end of the month all the sensors will be installed counting people inside different strategic tourist locations of the city. Elected 18 particularly significant buildings, through which most tourists who visit Cáceres usually transit.

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By • 18 Jan, 2019
• Section: Case studies, Access control, Detection, Urban security