To meet the security requirements of the port infrastructures have been installed 25 thermal cameras and 10 with Davantis analytics systems, integrated into Bosch VMS.

Davantis in Puerto Bahia de Cadiz

The Port of the Bay of Cadiz is nestled in the mouth of the Strait of Gibraltar, with a privileged geographical location between the Atlantic and North Africa, so it's been a regular stopover of cruise ships on their annual transfer between the Mediterranean and the Caribbean and vice versa. In addition, serves as a permanent transit between Tangier and the Canary Islands. Its slow but sustained growth make it one of the main Spanish ports.

Davantis in Puerto Bahia de CadizThe port required a maximum security solution that would allow the control center to carry out all the activities of the port operation, related to the docking and unraveling of ships, loading and unloading operations, access control, service authorizations, emergencies, dangerous goods management and maritime signage, among others.

Davantis in Puerto Bahia de CadizThe port communications centre is the body targeted by the Ministry of the Interior to report changes in the levels of protection of port facilities affected by the International Code for the Protection of Ships and Port Facilities. That's why, who needed to find a system that would allow them to verify, quickly and effectively, any alarm triggered by unauthorized events.

Davantis' video analytics system was the solution of choice to protect its infrastructures. This solution allows to cover the perimeter security of the different ports of the Bay of Cadiz and provide security agencies with the appropriate tools to detect intrusions into the established security perimeter, immediately manage intrusion alarms and react in seconds to activate the necessary measures.

Wide perimeter coverage

Davantis in Puerto Bahia de CadizThrough davantis partner, Enyca, Daview LR equipment has been installed (long range) along with thermal cameras. Solution that allows to cover large perimeter extensions, while reducing costs and increasing detection reliability.

This project has used 25 thermal cameras and 10 with Davantis analytics systems, integrated into Bosch VMS. To check the alarms, a preset has been assigned to each dome to be able to react in seconds.

Three subsystems were configured based on a set of fixed thermal cameras, detection in sensitive areas of the enclosure; a smart video analytics solution, specifically designed to monitor thermal and conventional cameras; and a visualization and management platform for the security control center.

Davantis in Puerto Bahia de CadizWith this infrastructure intrusions can be detected by video analysis of the images provided by the set of cameras arranged at the perimeter, and the alarms generated on the control center management platform are displayed.

To facilitate operator activity, Davantis allows alarms to be sent, based on video analysis, Bosch VMS. In this way, control center operators can manage them using Bosch's usual interface. When an alarm is received, the operator can check it by video by one frame with the intruder reframed, a video clip with the intruder reframed or the camera live.

To facilitate verification, Davantis allows the combination of fixed cameras (visible or thermal) and PTZ cameras.

In case of alarm, the system positions a dome in a preset and generates a video with the dome images. Subsequently, the operator can view the two videos associated with the alarm: one corresponding to the camera with video analysis that has generated the detection and another corresponding to the auxiliary PTZ camera.

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By • 10 Dec, 2018
• Section: Alarms, Communications, Systems control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Detection, Intrusion, Video surveillance