The new director of this division in Spain and Portugal is a step forward in the company's strategy in managing systems in smart buildings.

Johnson Controls security Alberto ValesAlberto Vales' responsibility as head of the Control Division, Fire & Security for Spain and Portugalde Johnson Controls Building Technologies & Solutions will be to establish close relationships with customers, helping them create more comfortable buildings, Efficient, safe and productive through comprehensive management systems and smart technologies.

This addition to the Johnson Controls structure is a step forward in reinforcing one of the fundamental pillars for the company: managing systems for buildings. In this sense, Vales will help customers reach a new level of intelligence in the operation of their buildings.

Through the Metasys solution, designed specifically by Johnson Controls (more details on Digital Security), the company meets control needs, integration and optimization of facilities, combining your automation expertise, air conditioning and building security.

Alberto Vales is an industrial engineer at the University of Vigo and PLD for IESE. Prior to joining Johnson Controls, developed his career at the German multinational GEA, occupying various positions of responsibility.

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By • 28 Nov, 2018
• Section: Business