The control system of this concert hall has been modernized with 20 public address areas and an evacuation zone. The entire system is centrally managed with LDA NEO Control.

LDA Auditorio Nacional Musica Madrid

The National Music Auditorium is the seat of the Spanish National Orchestra and Choir, of the Young National Orchestra of Spain and the National Center for Musical Dissemination. Its two concert halls, symphonic and chamber, have a capacity of more than 3.000 venues for concerts and musical performances.

In addition to these living spaces, has a general choir room, hall of events, 4 string rooms, 14 individual study, recording booth, press room, two cafes and a shop.

LDA Auditorio Nacional Musica Madrid

To ensure safety at all your events, the Auditorium has renewed its voice evacuation system, And, to do that, has had the solutions LDA Audio Tech.

The control system has been modernized according to the requirements of EN 54, With 20 public address zones and an evacuation zone incorporating reserve amplification channels, battery power and emergency panel. All integrated with the evacuation system of the enclosure and according to your emergency plan.

The entire system can be operated centrally and easily with LDA NEO Control software.

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By • 15 Oct, 2018
• Section: Case studies, Systems control