Xprotect 2018 Milestone R2 Now Integrates Recording Hardware Acceleration, as well as the system's mobile server, with Nvidia to lower infrastructure costs.

Milestone xprotech nvidia

Video management software (Vms) of Milestone Systems incorporates in this update hardware acceleration with the compatible graphics card Nvidia, which speeds up processing and performance when video is decoded, and thus perform other tasks such as video analysis.

Another advantage of this update is to add an NVR or recording server to be able to manage a greater number of network video surveillance cameras just by adding a compatible Nvidia card, no need to make changes to the network infrastructure,

Milestone XProtect 2018 R2, already available through the network of partners of this manufacturer, offers a simple and cost-effective way to upgrade the capacity of a security system, regarding adding one more server, while streamlining the addition of features such as video analytics, Internet of Things (We) or artificial intelligence (Ai).

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By • 2 Oct, 2018
• Section: Systems control, Services