The solution includes DT terminals 1000, Prime Crystal readers and mechatronic components with pKT technology, that allow employee access to be managed, time and presence record.

Karlsruhe Town Hall

Through its subsidiary Primion, The Azkoyen Group has installed the time and presence control system, and access, in the town hall of the second largest city in the German federal state of Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe.

The solution includes DT terminals 1000, Prime Crystal readers and mechatronic components with pKT technology, that allow employee access to be managed more efficiently, the recording of times and presence, providing greater control and security in the facilities.

The project allows to improve the time record in all the offices of the municipal administration, at the access control to the central building of the Karlsruhe Town Hall located on the market square, and in the technical center of the city. The project includes long-range readers for the entry of vehicles, among others.

Today, two new projects for the expansion of access control of this Administration are in progress.

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By • 29 Aug, 2018
• Section: Access control, Urban security