The first model of the new Panomera Ultraline series has a dynamic range of 130 dB UWDR and a resolution of 130 px/m up to a distance of 160, 104 or 82 Meters, enabling the recognition of people over the entire distance.

Dallmeier Panomera Ultraline S8

Dallmeier has presented the first model of the new series Panomera Ultraline, the S8, a camera that provides up to 190 megapixels to 30 Ips.

Panomera's new Ultraline series offers effective high resolution for video protection applications in large areas such as football stadiums, Perimeters, airports and municipal spaces.

Panomera concept incorporates up to eight sensors in one camera, making it possible to capture huge surfaces and distances with high resolution quality. With fewer cameras and less infrastructure and management expenses, the total cost of video solutions is significantly reduced. At the same time, customer specifications regarding pixel density and coverage can be met very precisely.

Dallmeier Panomera UltralineThe Ultraline S8 model has a dynamic range of 130 dB UWDR (effective) and manifests itself in an extreme Panomera effect. Provides a resolution higher than 125 px/m up to a distance of 160, 104 Or 82 Meters, enabling the recognition of people over the entire distance.

Identification of persons (250 px/m) is supported, depending on the model, up to a distance of 46 meters and observation (62 px/m) reaches 322 Meters, which corresponds to a scene of more than 26.000 m² with continuous depth of field.

The multifocal sensor system captures and stores all areas of the scene with the highest resolution in detail, regardless of whether operators, in live mode, are concentrated in a given area (multi-detail zoom) or if areas of interest are represented in detail based on Video Content Analysis (multiple automatic tracking). Panomera recordings always contain the entire event and allow the evaluation of any event.

Like the rest of the Dallmeier cameras, the new Panomera model is also produced entirely in Germany at its factory in Regensburg. This in itself is an essential aspect of the manufacturer's data protection and data security strategy., as this prevents, For example, unauthorized access by backdoors.

In total 14 Functions, such as privacy zone settings, people masking or the latest authentication and encryption technology in the processing chain of Dallmeier solutions, ensure that the requirements of the GDPR in terms of data protection and data security are met.

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By • 19 Jul, 2018
• Section: MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Video surveillance