This new Bosch DSA E series network storage solution features sixty-twelve bay versions based on the manufacturer's ein iSCSI.

Bosch DSA E2800Providing more security of stored digital video data is what the DSA E2800 system brings, representing the next generation of the DSA E series of Bosch Security, iSCSI-based to meet high-bandwidth needs, due to HD and UHD-4K IP encoders and cameras in the video surveillance market.

DSA E2800 provides more reliability when storing high-volume data and its availability at any time thanks to its redundant fans and power supplies, hot-swappable. In addition, along with its automated route failure recovery and online management capability, enable uninterrupted productivity to be maintained.

This system has two models or versions: one of twelve bays and another of sixty; both with a system size of eight hundred channels. The first has a maximum capacity of 120 TB for twelve internal hard drives; while in the second it is located in 600 Tb, with sixty internal hard drives.

Additionally, to the new DSA E2800 -in the sixty-bay version-, You can add two expansions of sixty hard drives each.

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By • 10 Jul, 2018
• Section: Deep down, Computer security