This agreement is part of Ezviz's strategy to increase its presence in Europe and, more specifically, in the Iberian Peninsula. Its solutions allow monitoring, from mobile, connecting to cameras that can be attached to other control systems.


Misfortune has incorporated into its catalog the cameras and intelligent sensors of Ezviz, solutions to be distributed in Spain and Portugal.

Ezviz Husky AirWith this agreement, Ezviz has taken another step in its expansion objective in the Spanish territory and expands its reach among consumers in the Iberian Peninsula. In addition to increasing its network of partners in the European market, this collaboration strengthens its presence in web and physical stores, especially in centers specialized in electronics and computer technology.

Infortisa is one of the main technological distributors in Spain, and is engaged in wholesale distribution from 1986. With more than 9000 active customers, Infortisa has a great reach in computer stores, retailers, technology consultancies and the business environment.

Ezviz offers an extensive range of products, that work individually or in combination with each other, and is presented as a simple way to control the office without having to pay monthly fees or hire additional services.

Ezviz range products

The user monitors from his mobile phone what happens at work by connecting to cameras that can be attached to other control systems, such as motion and aperture sensors, as well as recording systems, being able to configure the ideal combination for each space.

Ezviz has a European headquarters in the Netherlands and will soon open its offices in Spain. From 2016, has created a basis for action in the European market, aiming to increase its presence throughout the continent: Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Poland, Slovakia and Benelux.

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By • 3 Jul, 2018
• Section: Detection, Business, Video surveillance