Dallmeier's DF5100HD-DN/IR and DDF5100HD cameras are capable of working day and night in all types of lighting conditions or in near-dark scenarios.

Dallmeier Primeline DF5100

Equipped with a powerful high-performance infrared Led, for use both day and night, the new cameras of Dallmeier DF5100HD-DN/IR and DDF5100HD have a high light sensitivity sensor and fast image processing to capture color quality images with maximum detail and in conditions of minimum luminosity.

These primeline series cameras from the manufacturer offer a cost-effective and balanced solution between the extreme features that integrate the Nightline and Topline series (more model data for a sensor at Digital Security).

Dallmeier Primeline DF5100The DF5100HD-DN/IR is designed in box format (boxing) for wall mounting. Available in versions of 2 Or 4 Megapixel, It has uniform infrared lighting thanks to a high performance Led of 850 nanometers, improving camera sensitivity to operate with high image quality in critical environments 24/7. Also available in 2 And 4 Megapixel, DDF5100HD dome type camera is used with dome.

Both models are easily installed and configured through a web browser, where the user can set the parameters that interest him most. The motorized lens and function Digital image shift allow zoom adjustment, focus and diaphragm, as well as image framing, ensuring quick and easy on-site installation.

Dallmeier RGPD-UEBoth cameras integrate advanced security features, as masking people, private areas, encryption and authentication in image processing, as well as video content analysis (Vac) to detect in real time objects and movements in the uncompressed image, among others.

Detected events can be used for recording activation on a Dallmeier Smavia system and stored, along with your metadata, for a specific search later in a forensic assessment.

The cameras have RAM that temporarily stores the video stream in case of network failure. When it is already reset, SmartBackfill function takes care of the fast transmission of saved images to the Smavia recording system, that stores the video stream at full speed and continues recording the live stream, no losses or breakups.

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By • 28 Jun, 2018
• Section: Deep down, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Video surveillance