With a size up to one 70% than previous models, Eye mini L and LE cameras offer easy operation and assembly thanks to Axis Companion video management software.

Axis companion eye mini l y le

Designed to offer the latest surveillance technology at an affordable price in small businesses, The Swedish manufacturer Axis Communications has expanded its range of cameras for this market with the indoor models Companion Eye mini L and outdoor Bullet mini LE.

These new mini cameras are a 70% smaller than previous models and, plus the same features, with Axis Companion Recorder; surveillance with integrated IR day/night; 1.080P resolution, with low bandwidth consumption, and WDR technology for low-light environments, among others.

Easy to assemble and simple to handle, These systems have a complete range of accessories and benefit from the possibilities in this regard offered by the video management software Axis Companion, that has an app (Companion PC-client) so that the user can manage the cameras remotely from their mobile (iOS and Android) or portable, as well as securely accessing video files.

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By • 26 Jun, 2018
• Section: Deep down, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Video surveillance