Vision 6.0 incorporates the new Nano range of hybrid video vcrs for ATMS, capable of supporting up to four IP cameras and equal number of analog cameras, among other new features.

Scati vision 6-0

The manufacturer of IP video systems Scati has improved and adapted its Vision video management platform, specialized in financial institutions, to meet the security requirements of a heavily regulated sector with the new features and functions of the 6.0.

With more than fifty references in the financial sector, Scati Vision is an open and flexible CCTV platform, able to adapt to the environment (growth and integrations with third parties) and any local regulations (Seproban, GDPR, Circular 052,...), which is also complemented by transactional monitoring tools in ATMs, to facilitate centralized transaction searches of all ATMs in the park throughScati Cash.

Scati vision H400The version 6.0 Vision incorporates the new range of hybrid video vcrs for ATMs, that can support up to four IP cameras and four analog cameras, thus facilitating the progressive migration to IP technology of the CCTV system.

Another novelty of the new version, especially advantageous to facilitate the tasks of operators, is that it incorporates a plugin system in Scati Watcher to integrate the operation of all the applications that the user uses, that are fully customizable for the company's customers and allow you to manage third-party applications, thus reducing management time, because it is possible to run them directly against cameras and recorders.

Scati WatcherTo facilitate integration with third parties of the Open Vision Platform, the manufacturer has developed the Scati Client library, so that customers who have other third-party systems to manage their systems (Alarms, Intrusion, Etc.) you can view images from Scati recorders in real time and recorded video.

Thanks to the developments carried out by the company's R&D department in the 6.0, -Scati Wall Camera Wall Monitoring Tool- makes it easy to view camera images, after receiving alarms over TCP, real-time for rapid incident certification. The operator can also zoom in or view the image in 360o format.

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By • 8 Jun, 2018
• Section: Deep down, Access control, Systems control, HIGHLIGHTED IN DEPTH, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Services, Video surveillance