Hanwha Techwin's video management software is now compatible with Paxton's N2 access control solutions and Veracity Coldstore video storage solutions.

Hanwha Techwin Wisenet Wave

Users of the Net2 access control system Paxton you can now view video images associated with events captured by high-definition IP cameras and connected to video management software (Vms) Wisenet Wave Hanwha Techwin.

Integration, which is achieved through a free Paxton Net2 plugin, provides the ability to visually verify the identity of anyone trying to access a sensitive facility or area of a building, as well as providing video verification of alarm events.

veracity coldstoreAnother integration of Wisenet Wave is with the Coldstore 'direct-to-disk' storage system Veracity, that eliminates the need to install network vcrs (Nvr) to record and store high-definition images captured by Open Platform Wisenet IP Cameras.

Although its architecture is simplified, Coldstore supports audio, metadata and video, in addition to offering features such as switching in case of camera-level failure, recoverability from network outages and the option to set up fully redundant recordings.

Paxton net2-plusFor Bob Hwang, CEO of Hanwha Techwin Europe, "these initiatives are important for system integrators, since Wisenet IP video surveillance cameras are currently specified together with Net2 and Coldstore as part of integrated electronic security solutions. We have had the opportunity to work closely with Paxton and Veracity's technical teams to achieve these integrations, and are just a few examples of our motto 'how we move' with technology partners who add value to customers".

Paxton's N2 access control and Veracity Coldstore storage solutions are now part of a wide range of products and solutions that have already been integrated with WiseNet Wave, including A.I. analytics. Tech as well as NCR's point-of-sale systems.

Hanwha Techwin Wisenet WavePresented in January 2018, Wisenet Wave easily displays up to 64 HD video streams on screen. Thanks to the self-discovering feature, connected cameras and a wide range of third-party IP devices can be addressed and configured in just a few minutes.

Among other features, includes a virtual PTZ that, with a single click, allows operators to zoom in and out to see close-ups of suspicious activity. Motion detection and video analytics functions can be configured to produce alerts based on user-defined parameters.

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By • 17 May, 2018
• Section: Alarms, Access control, Systems control, Detection, Business, Services, Video surveillance