In this sports venue in Turkey have been installed more than 600 security cameras and video recorders, which are managed from the M70-4U-E multi-service platform and the DSS4004 server.

Dahua at Sinan Erdem Dome

The Sinan Erdem Dome, also known as Ataköy Dome is the largest indoor sports venue in Turkey and the third largest in Europe,clothes. Located in Istanbul, It has a capacity of 22.500 seating and hosting a number of events, including concerts, tennis matches and basketball games.

Dahua at Sinan Erdem DomeBeing chosen for the celebration of different matches during the European Basketball Championship 2017 (EuroBasket 2017), which is the main European men's international basketball competition held every two years, the Sinan Erdem Dome sought to strengthen its security system. The large scale of the dome presented high surveillance requirements, as support for 64 split screens (split-screens), hundreds of cameras and a back-end storage and management infrastructure that could support the entire system.

Dahua has provided this sports center with a complete video surveillance system that included a total of more than 600 IP cameras, domo speed and ANPR on the front-end, NVR equipment, videowalls, video matrix devices and control accessories for the back-end.

To better protect the stadium from a variety of threats, the solution employed several smart sensing technologies, as intelligent analysis, including motion detection, Tripwire, intrusion and intelligent tracking functionality, and ANPR functionality, that recognizes license plate numbers that are verified.

Dahua at Sinan Erdem Dome

Vehicle license plate records are stored on NVR devices so that security agents can search for them. In less than a week, the local computer completed the installation, customer testing and training, and the dome was fully prepared to host international sporting events safely.

Dahua technologies have automated a large number of surveillance operations, such as automatic automotive barrier operation enabled by ANPR camera integration.

Every corner of the stadium is covered by Dahua cameras that provided high-definition videos, ensuring zero blind spots and capturing images with a high level of detail.

Solutions used:

Sinan Erdem Dome

  • IPC-HFW2421R-ZS bullet camera.
  • Dome cameras IPC-HDBW2421R-ZS and IPC-HDBW5431EP-Z-IVS.
  • ANPR ITC237 Camera.
  • NVR616R-64 4KS2 Video Recorder.
  • Surveillance Management Center DSS4004.
  • NKB3000 HD Network Control Keyboard.
  • M70-4U-E Multi-Service Video Management Platform.

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By • 12 Jan, 2018
• Section: Case studies, Systems control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Detection, Infrastructure, Computer security, Video surveillance