The video surveillance solution is composed of 50 bullet Eye cameras 3 Mp, managed from two Enterprise range audio and video recording and editing platforms. The CCTV infrastructure is completed with a professional four-screen wall monitoring system, an LPR system and parcel tracking app Parcel.

Scati at Nacex Barbera del Valles

Nacex, Logistics company specialized in express parcel and documentation courier, It is part of the Logistics Group From 2002 and has more than 300 agencies, 30 platforms and more than 1.500 Vehicles. In 2016 inaugurated a platform located on a plot of land of 7.300 square meters in Barberá del Vallés (Barcelona). The facilities are composed of a warehouse with capacity for 4.000 pallets and springs for 40 vans and 20 trucks.

blankIn these facilities, the integral security of its facilities and goods has been sought., And, In addition, They have been equipped with an intelligent machine vision system by recording the package sorting process, with a CCTV system that guarantees the traceability and tracking of the packages that travel through the facilities.

Advanced readers have been implemented, with reading efficiency, of practically the 100%, to increase sorting efficiency. Its triple traceability system: physics, by barcode reading by artificial vision; by weight, Performing the verification and verification of weights and measures through dynamic scales that have the classification systems of the merchandise; and visual, by recording the process of sorting the package with a closed circuit of video surveillance cameras that facilitates the control of all activity and a complete tracking of shipments during the operational process.

The platform is equipped with an indoor and outdoor CCTV, and face-to-face surveillance 24 hours of the day during the 365 days of the year.

CCTV system solution

Scati at Nacex Barbera del VallesThe logistics center of Barberá de Vallés has been equipped with the latest technologies in IP video, A video surveillance solution that guarantees the security of the platform and that, It also integrates with your parcel control and tracking system.

This video surveillance system is integrated by more than 50 bullet cameras Scati Eye of 3 MPs including WDR (Wide Dynamic Range), electronic component capable of managing backlights and/or sudden changes in brightness in the scene when the exterior gates are opened so that the packages are introduced into the transport of goods. The WDR allows you to view the image with great clarity and see the license plate of the vehicle that collects each of the goods.

The cameras are managed from two platforms for recording and editing audio and video of the Enterprise range of Scati, Specifically designed for large distributed installations, as is the case with logistics platforms. These video recorders manage up to 32 megapixel cameras per computer and are equipped with RAID6 storage up to 32 Tb.

Scati EyeThe management of cameras and equipment is done remotely from the Nacex headquarters in Coslada (Madrid). Thanks to the applications for the Scati control center, The company can view real-time images and recorded video, Export, Receive and manage events and alarms by groups and schedules, Perform remote recorder setup, Monitor video matrices and manage drawings.

The CCTV system is completed with the installation of a professional wall monitoring system of four screens that allows live viewing of up to 36 cameras simultaneously, ensuring the safety of the installation at all times.

Scati at Nacex Barbera del VallesNacex has trusted Scati not only because it is able to offer a video surveillance system that adapts to your security needs but because, In addition, is able to offer a customized solution that integrates with your warehouse management system, Ensuring the traceability of each package.

Scati Parcel is the parcel tracking solution within automatic sorting systems. With this tool, The center can control the route of the packages, since the introduction in the indexers, to the processing and delivery of parcels over the corresponding exit ramp. All processed information is stored in a database containing both shipment number data, Packing slip, weight, Etc. as the temporary instants of the package with which the tracking of each package is ensured.

Thanks to Scati Parcel, Nacex can track goods with high definition images, Associating video with logistics processes such as picking, classification, inputs and outputs and has evidence of a possible customer claim.

With this solution, Logistics centers achieve a double objective. On the one hand, have a security system that creates a powerful deterrent to crime and, if it occurs, Easy access to recorded images associated with the goods. On the other hand, Enjoy a very useful tool for operations management, Oriented to process control and claims management.

The solution provided by Scati is completed with an LPR system (Licence Plate Recognition).

Nacex Barbera del Valles

Safety and process control

The implementation of the Scati solution in these facilities guarantees the safety of workers and increases the control and monitoring of industrial processes. This means, In addition, a quick and efficient resolution of complaints and an improvement of the technological image transmitted by Nacex to its customers and employees.

With these tools, The parcel company, that moves in its facilities more than 8.000 Hourly packages, It is able to cope with a complex environment avoiding losses and possible thefts.

With the integration and synchronization of the video system with the package management subsystem, a video association can be made to the complete package path or on, In addition to searching for custom packages by order number, destiny, Etc. Using the web application.

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By • 25 Oct, 2017
• Section: Deep down, Case studies, Systems control, Infrastructure, Computer security, Video surveillance