Specialist Roomdimensions, through Iecisa (Computer Science The English Court), has carried out the project to modernize this area of control and monitoring of Madrid transport, covering the updating of audiovisual systems, KVM platform, control consoles, among others.

West light rail madrid roomdimensions Iecisa

The refurbishment of the command post of West Light Rail Madrid, carried out by Roomdimensions through Iecisa (Computer Science The English Court) focuses on updating audiovisual systems, vertical coatings and panels, KVM system, control consoles and ergonomic solutions of the center.

The audiovisual solution supplied consists of an LCD videowall, formed by screens of 55 inches of the model KVD5521 of the Belgian manufacturer ship, in configuration 5×2, in which the entire CCTV system of Metro Ligero Oeste is managed with high image quality.

West light rail madrid roomdimensions IecisaThe entire KVM platform is supplied by Adder Technology, that has enabled the workstations in racks located in the back of the audiovisual system, thus extending the signal through UTP cabling using the DVXPro solution and switching all signals on the workstation with the manufacturer's Free Flow technology, making it easier for the operator to automatically switch the signal.

The control consoles are from the Kompas V2 range, que aportan un alto grado tecnológico a los entornos de operaciones 24/7 by using simple and visually lightweight work systems, focusing efforts on providing maximum value and ergonomics to the operator.

West light rail madrid roomdimensions IecisaThis console uses a new concept of central structure, called Functional Arc, whose objective is to allow the distribution and management of structured cabling on a constant basis, thanks to its 'H' shape, that facilitates the conduction of the wiring inside, allowing easy separation of power and data cables.

This solution incorporates the articulated Rail Support System, that allows a perfect regulation of all monitors along the work console, as well as with the access system to the wiring and connectivity area to offer a wider space for the equipment.

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By • 11 Jul, 2017
• Section: Case studies, Systems control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Urban security, Services