This swedish manufacturer's system captures three-dimensional images that allow a much more accurate count of people for application at airports, Hospitals, Retail, Etc.

Ceiling installation, with a height of 2,40 Meters, the P8804 sensor system Axis uses 3D technology to capture images in this format and perform a more accurate count of the flow of people in a wide variety of transport facilities, Business, Leisure, Etc. to create accurate influx maps based on parameters such as height, Movement, Etc.

One of the advantages of Axis P8804 when combined with TrueView 3D People Counter software Cognimatics, company acquired by this manufacturer, is the generation of analyses and reports that are automatically issued in different formats. This software is processed in the system, without the need for an external computer.

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By • 5 Apr, 2017
• Section: Access control, Detection, Services