The installed model is the M25 and with it it is possible to observe landings and approach maneuvers, images that can be viewed in streaming, thanks to Wolkam's service. With the Flightradar app it is possible to know the exact situation of the aircraft and all flight data.


AlwaysWeb raised has implanted a camera Mobotix tenerife Sur Reina Sofia airport to study the speeds and trajectories of different aircraft models.

blankWith this project, in addition to being able to observe landings at one of the busiest airports in the country, you will be able to study the speeds and trajectories carried out by the different models of aircraft, thanks to software, still in development, you learn the trajectories of Regional Transport Aircraft (Atr) through the images provided by the Mobotix team.

The camera installed to carry out this project, it's the M25 model with day sensor. A robust system that has high weather resistance to withstand extreme temperatures and harsh weather conditions. In addition, incorporates technology 6 Mp, is very adaptable when choosing where to install it, and has no mechanical moving parts which provides longer life with minimal maintenance.

Through this Link you can stream, thanks to Wolkam's service, the approach maneuvers that planes perform to land at Tenerife South Reina Sofia airport. Next to these live images is also the Flightradar app, indicating the exact location of the aircraft and all flight details.

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By • 27 Sea, 2017
• Section: Systems control, Video surveillance