The company has shown in this contest the first product update corresponding to 2017, among which are higher performance, hardware-accelerated video motion detection and security improvements, among other new features.

The new version of the well-known VMX Xprotect open platform network video management solution, developed by Milestone Systems, including its also new XProtect software 2017 R1, has been seen in scoop in Expo Seguridad Mexico 2017 (Stand 1539), who closed his doors on 16 March.

Among the new features that this software incorporates is the detection of video movement accelerated by hardware, a scoop in the VMS environment so far, as it shifts video decoding from the CPU to the integrated graphics processor of Intel CPUs, resulting in higher performance at lower hardware cost in medium and large installations.

For its part, the update 2017 R1 includes, among other computer security improvements, two-stage verification and greater control over the authorization process for the use of Milestone's advanced VMS products. Added customer benefits, as new alarm lists of the XProtect Web Client to provide an overview of all system notifications that have taken place since the last time the user logged in.

blankAnother novelty is that the smart maps they introduced last year now include support for 'OpenStreetMap' offline maps. In this sense, customers with such facilities now have better recognition of the environment by using maps.

Milestone Systems booth also has a prominent space for high-performance Husky network video recorders, M20 and M550A models. The first is an essential component, quick installation, for easy implementation of enterprise video solutions, incorporating an NVR-optimized version of XProtect Professional.

Husky M20 integrates a Smart Start automatic setup system for cameras, as well as for automatic allocation of IP addresses and camera storage to hard drives to balance the load, as well as automatic camera assignment to a Xprotect display, which makes installation significantly easier for integrators.

This system also has a manageable switch 8 Or 16 Ports, capable of supplying power to connected devices (PoE+), so that sixteen cameras with PoE support can be connected directly to the M20, with little or no installation or configuration action.

The M550A leverages the unique chassis hardware design of Milestone Husky servers, and offers a guaranteed recording speed of 1.400 Mb/sec. When combined with an optimized video recording RAID controller, outstanding performance is achieved, to which it adds that it has up to 64 TB of internal storage on hot-swappable disk drives and can be integrated with enterprise-class storage systems.

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By • 17 Sea, 2017
• Section: Systems control, Events, Business, Video surveillance